This online SDR is a KiwiSDR that allows four online users to share the same receiver. It covers 0 to 32 MHz with the following modes: AM, CW, LSB/USB, FM and extensions that allow you to decode SSTV, CW, FSK, and more.
The antenna is an off center fed dipole at about 65 ft above the ground. The elevation is approximate 800 feet above sea level and the terrain slopes off a couple hundred feet toward a large reservoir. Reception is excellent on almost all bands.
If you use this receiver, please sign in (top right of the SDR screen). It will also save your last settings for your next visit. Please be considerate if you are not actively listening and close your browser window so some one else can use one of the four slots.
I welcome emails from anyone who uses this receiver. It is always interesting to know who uses it and what they listen to.